Sunday, 9 February 2014

MBBS Admission at MGIMS, Sevagram

Jan14, 2014

New Delhi: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram has invited applications for the Admission to the MBBS Course for the Academic Year 2014-15. The candidates shall be selected as per their merit in the Entrance Examination conducted by MGIMS to be held on 20th April 2014 at Nagpur, Delhi, Hyderabad Mumbai, Varanasi & Kolkata. Those students who are going to appear in 10+2 Higher Secondary Board Examination in March / April 2014 are also eligible to appear in the competitive Entrance Examination.

The candidate must attain 17 years of age on or before 31st December of the year of admission. The Candidate must have passed 12th standard examination under 10+2 system of Maharashtra State Higher Secondary Education Board or equivalent examination of any recognised Board or any Indian University with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually in each subject in first attempt. The candidate must have obtained minimum 50 percent marks (40 percent in the case of SC / ST / VJ / NT / OBC) taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Candidates seeking admission to MBBS course of MGIMS can obtain Prospectus and Application form
(a) Either by paying only Rs 4000 in cash at the Cash counter of Account Section in premises of Administrative Complex of KHS and MGIMS.
(b) or by paying Rs. 4000 to State Bank of India through bank challan.
(c) If the candidate wants to submit the fee by bank challan he should click the link of the bank challan at, fill the information required and submit it.
(d) Candidate should mention full name address with pin code number on which the candidate wants to receive the prospectus & phone number for communication in the space provided on the challan form so that the prospectus can be sent to the given address.
(e) The candidate is required to take a printout of the saved copy in landscape on legal size paper and has to visit the nearest branch of State Bank of India for submission of the required charges.
(f) The Challan form is in three copies and the candidate has to send one original paid copy of the challan form to the 'Dean, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram, 442102’ by speed post.

The Prospectus and Form will be available till 8th March, 2014. The last date of receipt of filled up application is 20th March, 2014. 

For further details visit the link: MGIMS

1 comment:

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